Inuyasha (TV) - Anime News Network 照片里這個男人叫David Glasheen,今年73歲的他曾經是澳大利亞的一名富商, 今天要說的,就是他的傳奇經歷.. David出生在澳大利亞,祖籍愛爾蘭,原來是當地一個有錢人家,從小到大他衣來伸手飯來張口,一切非常順利,根本沒有遭遇過挫折。 他在一間This week, Todd gives the Vita a checkup! Plus Nintendo on mobile devices, Kaio on nothing, and a dive into the depths of Data East! ― Nintendo recently announced a new partnership with mobile-game company DeNa, bringing us ever closer to a world where .....