相對濕度 relative humidity

relative humidity - definition of relative humidity by The Free Dictionary  這..我看也只有你敢喝XDJohn Noti and colleagues from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, tested the effect of relative humidity on the capacity of flu virus released in a simulated 'cough' to re-infect cells....


Relative humidity | Define Relative humidity at Dictionary.com 太中肯了~  the amount of water vapor in the air, expressed as a percentage of the maximum amount that the air could hold at the given temperature; the ratio of the actual water ... relative humidity n. The ratio of the amount of water vapor in the air at a specific ...


Relative Humidity Products - Michell Instruments, Dew Point, Humidity and Oxygen Specialists   你懂的XDIndustrial relative humidity products designed by experts in humidity measurement and calibration ... With 40 years experience of providing measurement and analysis solutions for dew point, humidity and oxygen we understand that many applications require ...


Critical relative humidity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 好害羞>///Table 1: Critical relative humidities of pure salts at 30°C. Mixtures of salts usually have lower critical humidities than either of the constituents. Fertilizers that contain Urea as an ingredient usually exhibits a much lower Critical Relative Humidity ...
