智 商 測 試 器
CommunityHelpWiki - Community Help Wiki - Official Ubuntu Documentation某廠生產了一種智商測試器, 獻給某知名廠商秘書要試一試,把腦袋往裡面一伸,機器說「智商85 」,秘書很高興,機器說「智商90」,副總也很高興,總經理見大家這麼高興致,也去試一試。腦袋往裡面一伸,機器說「儀器珍貴,請大家小心使用,---------請不要往裡面放石頭」。上次事件發生後,廠家急忙升級,很This user-created and maintained wiki is a reference for various Ubuntu-related Howto's, tips, tricks and hacks. Scroll down to find the list of the major topics in this wiki. Official Documentation Check out the official documentation consisting of the D...