2013 Ford Focus ST Long-Term Road Test - New Updates這是個經典的笑話,就是稍微長了點: 甲:哎呀~好久不見了~最近你爸好嗎? 乙:托您的福~硬實著那~怎么你認識我爸? 甲:當然了~不但認識~而且熟的很. 乙:是嗎? 甲:是啊~他現在還是那么愛下象棋? 乙:是啊~你知道他愛下象棋? 甲:不但知道~以前還經常和老爺子一起下象棋那. 乙:我怎么不知道. 甲Read the latest updates in our long-term road test of the 2013 Ford Focus ST as our editors live with this car for a year. ... 2013 Ford Focus ST: Dog Report October 9, 2013 This photo of my dog Mya in the back of our 2013 Ford Focus ST during a road trip...