
New York Fashion Week - Couture Fashion Week 27 歲的超美形變性模特兒 Aydian Dowling,日前拍攝了一張裸照,向魔力紅 Maroon 5 主唱 Adam Levine 致敬,而其實 Adam Levine 替英國 Cosmopolitan 雜誌拍攝這張照片的同時,是希望喚醒大家對於睾丸癌的關注,而變Couture Fashion Week presents couture and luxury fashion shows in New York City. ... Couture Fashion Week was founded in 2005 by Andres Aquino. CFW presents a series of couture and luxury fashion shows in New York City and other selected cities....


Fashion 黑人隔門嗆聲,下一秒變成俗仔 ! 太爆笑啦!也算識時務 WWD.com is the authority for news and trends in the worlds of fashion, beauty and retail. Featuring daily headlines and breaking news from all Women's Wear Daily publications, WWD.com provides the most comprehensive coverage anywhere of fashion, beauty .....


Runway Fashion Show Reports, Fashion Weeks, Schedules | Fashion Trendsetter 文/小火車 圖/廖子賢 話說用來上班代步、假日出遊約會的愛車可不像委身窄巷內的2、30年老公寓,即便年久失修,卻還可以年年漲不停。車子它這輩子最大的宿命無非就是屬「折舊」它最大尾。從年頭、年中,甚至到年尾,折舊它總是寸步不離的依附在你的愛車上。尤其購買新車的前三年,折舊就像是個叛逆期的孩子,即便你Fashion Trendsetter | Fashion and Color Trends ... Nicholas K Fall Autumn/Winter 2015/2016 Collection Sexy Valentine Collection by INCANTO Idan Cohen Autumn/Winter 2015 Women's Collection...


2 × 4: Project: Prada Spring/Summer '14 Fashion Show, Milan 16歲的橋本環奈因上面這張表演中偶然被拍下的照片爆紅! 被形容是有天使光環的女人,但近日卻傳出她遭其他藝人排擠的消息, 連akb48都將她選為最具危脅性藝人第一名,表明最怕被她比下去!   許多女藝人都不願跟她同台,理由竟然是她太可愛了! 一同台就會被比下去,就像被她的美貌打臉一樣! 天Artists, Miles " El Mac" Gregor, Stinkfish, Mesa, Gabriel Specter and illustrators Jeanne Detallante and Pierre Mornet paint the walls of the Via Fogazzaro show space in Milan for Prada's Summer/Spring '14 fashion show....


2015秋冬米蘭時裝秀,5首洗腦秀場音樂好聽到忘不掉之Song of Time|秀現場2014 FW 短短五秒,我卻重播了20次! 太爆笑啦!!今年剛剛走完的2015秋冬米蘭時裝周,除了秀場氣氛吸引人,現場配合模特兒走秀步伐的秀場配樂更是一大關鍵,好的一樂能讓看秀觀眾完全融入設計師想要營造的環境氣氛中,更能體會五感融合的震撼,這也是為何大家拼了命想擠進秀場親身體會一下看 ......


Moschino Spring/Summer 2015 Fashion Show - YouTube 不曉得大家對俄國總統「普丁」的認識有多少呢?大家都說俄羅斯人是戰鬥民族,位於戰鬥民族頂點的這位領導者,平時行程也是無敵忙,而且相當符合戰鬥民族的習性,為什麼這麼說呢?因為他根本就是十項全能硬漢!日前新聞就有報導過,騎馬打獵、柔道、開 F1 賽車等,不論是海上陸地,許多事都是他的興趣,因此出席活動都Moschino Spring/Summer 2015 Fashion Show - Milan, September 18th 2014. More pictures and videos on http://www.moschino.com....
