Death Race (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia▲沒被過肩摔過膩?(source:youtube) 日前一名便利商店店員上臉書社團「靠北奧客」發表一篇文章,內容寫到某天晚上十點多,接近交班時有三名夜校下課的學生吵鬧的走進便利商店,一進店裡就將包包亂丟在座位區之後又在整間店裡嬉戲,先是跑去茶葉蛋區「挑蛋」,把除了自己挑出來之外的全部都弄到破掉,再到1 Plot 2 Cast 3 Cars 4 Production 5 Reception 5.1 Critical response 5.2 Box office 6 Release 6.1 Home media 7 Music 8 Prequel 9 References 10 External links Plot [edit] In 2012, the economy of the US completely collapses, causing unemployment and crime .....