誓當黑天鵝McLaren 570S
20140506 BR197 長榮航空降落前 機長英文廣播/空服員國語台語日語翻譯 - YouTube⊙大量運用碳纖維材質 ⊙絕佳空氣力學設計 ⊙搭載3.8升V8雙渦輪增壓引擎 ⊙國內售價 McLaren 540C:988萬元 McLaren 570S:1,168萬元 ⊙國內上English: Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, this is captain Tony Fang speaking. Currently we just changed our altitude to 38000 ft, our (無法辨識) is about 290 nautical miles north of Taipei. We continue to descend in about 15 minutes. Depends air traffic c...