Logitech - Speaker System Z313 - Logitech - Get Immersed in the Digital World!6月5日 晴的好難受-------------------------------------------看著校園越來越多的染髮族,我心禁不住想給他理個光頭來端正一下校園風氣,說實話,從小到大除了滿月那次外好像都一直流著頭髮,所以,剃個光頭對我而言極具誘惑。大學生好象應該酷一酷,狠狠心,我朝理髮店走With a convenient control pod and big, balanced sound, this speaker system is the easy way to kick back with your music. ... Audio Support Looking for information about a Logitech speaker dock, Squeezebox or other audio product? Our online resources can h...