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Logitech Wireless Desktop MK320 KeyboardMouse Combo Black by Office Depot & OfficeMax需要明察秋毫才看得出來!!!! Logitech Wireless Desktop MK320 KeyboardMouse Combo Black, Comfortable keyboard and a carry around mouse add productivity at Office Depot & OfficeMax. Now One Company. ... 1 Battery life based on a calculation of an estimated 2 million keystrokes per ......


Amazon.com: Logitech Wireless Desktop MK320 Combo: Electronics所以說訊息不要隨便丟呀.... The logitech wireless desktop mk320 comes with a comfortable keyboard and a carry-around mouse. 2.4 ghz wireless gives you a long range and reliable connection. the mouse has a snap-on receiver. From the Manufacturer Enlarge Logitech Wireless Combo MK320 ...
