達人傳授購車四大關鍵撇步 蔡允潔買新車一年竟遭拒保
Il Divo "A Musical Affair" | The Official Il Divo SiteTVBS《地球黃金線》本周邀請達人傳授購車四大關鍵撇步,包括詳讀新車型錄內容、試駕、配備選購,以及價格(包含貸款利率、分期金額)。 藝人蔡允潔則分享一年前購入全新房車時的經驗,當初竟在一天內就決定購買,因此許多該注意的部分全都忽略,也讓她參加錄影時表示,對於這些專家的建議真的相見恨晚。如今已駕車五年Il Divo Releases a special edition of their new album A Musical Affair in France! IL DIVO revisits 16 legendary songs from the world's most famous musicals including 7 stunning duets with prestigious French artists: FLORENT PAGNY, HELENE SEGARA, NATASHA S...