殺人兇手就在圖中!!觀察力高於95 的人,才能找得出兇手是誰!
Pompeii, Italy - Lonely Planet讓你找凶手,鬧市殺人案, 觀察力高於95%的人,才能找得出兇手是誰! 提示:凶手有刀 (點擊可看大圖) 到底是誰呢?大家來猜猜看吧!可按大圖看更清楚喔! 真的不容易看到呢!但他還滿明顯的! 留言分享一下你找到的人是誰喔! &nbsA stark reminder of the malign forces that lie deep inside Vesuvius, Pompeii (Pompei in Italian) is Europe’s most compelling archaeological site and one of Italy’s most visited tourist attractions. Each year about 2.5 million people pour in to wander the ...