Following the River (「在聖靈的江河中敬拜」英文原版) | 小羊詩歌 2018年,比弗利希爾頓酒店, 一部名叫《三塊廣告牌》的電影斬獲多項金球獎大獎…… 最佳劇情片,劇情最佳女主,最佳男配,最佳編劇…… 人們熱情的鼓掌歡呼,演員們激動的擁抱致辭,洛杉磯的比弗利山莊燈火輝煌。 而在洛杉磯東部的10號Imagine the ultimate worship experience—what would it be like? Using a sound scriptural foundation, Bob paints a vivid picture of what corporate worship can become. Get a glimpse of where God is taking us. There is a sweep-you-off-your-feet depth to the r...