別再Let It Go(‵□′)╯去卡拉OK不要再唱這些歌 人家聽膩了啦~
CP9 - The One Piece Wiki - Manga, Anime, Pirates, Marines, Treasure, Devil Fruits, and more原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:鴉小編 萌友們呀比~我是鴉小編(‘ω’)ノ 身為動漫粉粉的鴉小編超愛唱動漫卡拉OK的啦! 不過每次到了點歌時間都很煩惱, 怕點了冷門歌只有自己唱的嗨, 點了大家耳熟能詳的歌曲又怕大家早就聽到不想再聽惹… 日本有網CP9, more properly known as Cipher Pol Number 9 (サイファーポールNo.9, Saifā Pōru Nanbā Nain), is a... ... Luffy fights CP9 member Blueno. Blueno was the first CP9 member to fight the Straw Hat Pirates at Enies Lobby, specifically against Luffy....