真實社會! 三個小孩的媽...性工作者的一天
Avril Lavigne - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 大家對於性工作者都會給與異樣的眼光,但這些社會底層的人同樣是擁有尊嚴以及人生,攝影師 Marie Hald 以鏡頭記錄下丹麥合法性工作者 Bonnie 的日常生活,而這位 39 位的女士靠著如此的工作辛苦扶養了三個小孩,同樣在假日上教堂,同樣的過著她的人生,這一系列攝影作品&nAvril Ramona Lavigne (/ˈævrɨl ləˈviːn/; born 27 September 1984) is a Canadian and French singer and songwriter. She was born in Belleville, Ontario, and spent most of her youth in the town of Napanee. By the age of 15, she had appeared on stage with Shani...