UK MOD Released USA MJ-12 UFO Documents In Its Latest X-File Disclosure1.王心凌《愛你》,S.H.E《我愛你》,Beyond《真的愛你》李宗盛《我是真的愛你》,言承旭《我是真的真的很愛你》點評:愛你有這麼複雜嗎?乾脆叫《愛你愛到不行…》2.王菲《如果你是假的》,鄧麗君《假如我是真的》蕭正楠《假如我是假的》,孟庭葦《真的還是假的》點評:靠,能退貨嗎?3.成After reading MJ-12 in UK MOD Release, finally there is an official US government documents that confirm what we already know, that Roswell was an alien space craft crash and it wreckage was stored in Area 51, and deceased extraterrestrial biological enti...