
UK MOD Released USA MJ-12 UFO Documents In Its Latest X-File Disclosure1.王心凌《愛你》,S.H.E《我愛你》,Beyond《真的愛你》李宗盛《我是真的愛你》,言承旭《我是真的真的很愛你》點評:愛你有這麼複雜嗎?乾脆叫《愛你愛到不行…》2.王菲《如果你是假的》,鄧麗君《假如我是真的》蕭正楠《假如我是假的》,孟庭葦《真的還是假的》點評:靠,能退貨嗎?3.成After reading MJ-12 in UK MOD Release, finally there is an official US government documents that confirm what we already know, that Roswell was an alien space craft crash and it wreckage was stored in Area 51, and deceased extraterrestrial biological enti...


Newly released UFO files from the UK government有一天阿明心情不好走著走著就走到了湖畔突然手機響了阿明在接手機的時候一時手滑手機竟然掉進湖裡了這時仙女從湖中央飄了出來仙女:「這支Nokia N95是你掉到池塘裡的嗎?」誠實的窮學生回答:「不是。」仙女:「這支Sony Ericsson W910i是你掉到池塘裡的嗎?」誠實的窮學生回答:「不是的,我Discover UFO files, newly released by Ministry of Defence with The National Archives. Files contain a wide range of documents covering the years 1986–1992 in PDF format....


Alien nation: MoD releases final UFO files | UK news | The Guardian老師:「端午節會想到什麼?」 學生:「粽子。」 老師:「中秋節會想到什麼?」 學生:「柚子。」 老師:「那教師節會想到什麼?」 學生:「棍子。」被工作煩得想要自殺的紐約青年約翰,很想自由自在的過日子,便跑 去問矗立在港口邊的自由女神像,想求得自由自在之道。 自由女神冷冷的回答說:「你看我&helliAfter more than 50 years faithfully recording reports of UFOs and flying saucers, and patiently answering questions from the public, the MoD eventually decided it was a waste of money, newly released documents show. "Despite what many people think, and cl...


New UFO secrets are revealed in MoD files | UK news | The Guardian兩只青蛙相愛了,結婚後生了一個癩蛤嫫, 公青蛙見狀大怒說:怎麼回事?母青蛙哭著說:他爹,認識你之前我整過容。(愛情需要信任) -------------------------------------------------------- 小驢問老驢:為啥咱們天天吃乾草As close encounters go, the claim by a woman that an alien attempted to seduce her on a country road sounds far-fetched, but files released today reveal that it was considered serious enough for the Ministry of Defence to investigate. The Norfolk woman wh...


BBC News - UFO sightings: Files explain why MoD closed down special desk以下是改寫一段網路上流行已久的笑話一對新人舉行婚禮,因為家庭背景顯赫,達官貴人眾多,在婚宴上,主持人為了助興,建議行新酒令,必須說出 "什麼尖尖,什麼厚厚,什麼千千萬,什麼萬萬千,什麼 有沒有?沒有!",才能端杯動筷。而且主持人要求酒令 必須和自身有聯繫,這就為難了眾者。 總統這一桌的人都The MoD closed its UFO desk in 2009 because nothing reported to it in 50 years had revealed anything to suggest a military threat to the UK. ... According to a briefing in the files, during the years 2000-07 the ministry received an average of 150 reports...


英國國防部ufo - 影片搜尋故事1天線寶寶家庭坐計程車...準備去海邊撿貝殼天線妹妹就很高興的唱~" 我們要去海邊,好開心!"司機很不爽的說"閉嘴,難聽死了! 再唱把你們都丟到海裡!!!!"過了一陣子, 天線哥哥忍不住了!便開始唱....." 我們要去海邊,好開心!"司機聽了真的是很不爽, "閉嘴,難聽死了! 再唱把你們都丟到...
