吳彥祖:享受平凡幸福│ELLE 她雜誌
[英文版]出師表 - 豆瓣太過完美的吳彥祖,一直帶著一種距離美。直到有一天,結了婚、生了小孩,宣佈暫離銀幕,驕傲分享著女兒穿恐龍裝的照片。這一刻,吳彥祖突然離大家好近。這只是一個享受換尿布、做早餐,沉浸在幸福中的平凡男人。 性感魅力渾然天成 在香港劇作家林奕華的舞台劇《快樂王子》中,吳彥祖所飾演的律師有一個橋段,必須走到觀眾出師表----英文版 The First Ruler had accomplished but half his great task at his death. At this moment the empire is in three parts, and our country is weak; it is a most critical moment for us. Still, ministers are not remiss in the capital, and loyal and devo...