Vismile virtual dressing room(智鏡科技 虛擬試衣間) - YouTube (source: 瑄瑄 - 吳于瑄) 最近「在不瘋狂就等死」粉絲團上傳了一段影片,不到兩天就累積了72萬次的觀看。影片中一個女生抱怨男生在恩愛時,種種讓女生翻白眼的言行,例如炫耀自己的性能力或者是恩愛時問題很多... 最後還分享一個自己超扯的親身經歷… 然後就看影片吧... 影片引起Vismile, a Taiwanese company, developed the first 3D virtual fitting room that allows shoppers to try on clothes without really trying them on. Shoppers can try on every item in just one second and check the item from different angles. This amazing 3D vir...