得知自己被欺騙當了小三後 她開始了超惡毒反擊… 網友讚:這女的太可怕了!
Nike Sweatshops: Behind the Swoosh - YouTube 原PO:當我知道我是小三的那刻起:寶貝寶貝還記得為什麼櫃子會有蟑螂跟蛆嗎?其實不是買到二手品人家只是幫他們找家住而已剛好那些是你最怕的東西 我永遠忘不了你打開櫃子的那個表情 我真該拍下來~還有你知道你的名牌內褲為什麼一件一件不見嗎 不是被風吹走也不是被叼走 Nike Sweatshops: Behind the Swoosh is the ultimate video for exploring the sweatshop issue. Using Nike as a case study, the film documents first hand the widespread and oppressive and exploitative labor practices in the developing world. Used as a resourc...