Video scaler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (翻攝自Dcard) 家家有本難唸的經 大家都說相愛容易相處難 有時候跟對方的父母相處更難 更何況是遇到像原po這樣的狀況... 在一起不光是兩人相愛相惜在一起而已 如果牽扯到原生家庭,這真的會很棘手啊... 不過照原po的做法看來 這應該會是一場硬仗啊... 加油了!!  A video scaler is a system which converts video signals from one display resolution to another; typically, scalers are used to convert a signal from a lower resolution (such as 480p standard definition) to a higher resolution (such as 1080i high definitio...