從胖妹到王妃 人氣超過凱特,她的進階之路是這樣走過來的
Bayes' theorem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 周五上王室專輯 咯~ 前兩天丹麥大王妃夫妻到瑞典訪問談生意,這身白西裝好漂亮,配金色胸針 ↓↓ 丹麥大王妃瑪麗是從澳洲遠嫁到丹麥的平民王妃,跨越整個地球,這根紅線好長~ 經常有人說她和凱特王妃撞臉In probability theory and statistics, Bayes' theorem (alternatively Bayes' law or Bayes' rule) describes the probability of an event, based on conditions that might be related to the event. For example, suppose one is interested in whether Addison has can...