Demo Versions: DiRT 2 Demo - Demo Movie Patch Download Section原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:夜冥風 各位萌友們在看動畫時,有沒有發現有些配角比主角還有魅力呢? 這種時候就會想多看一點這個配角的戲份 於是就有很想要讓這些高人氣的配角們擔任主角的想法 像小風我就有很強烈的感覺啊! 就來看看網友們選出來的~究竟!大家想看哪些動漫的女配角主演的動畫呢? 佐天涙DiRT 2 Demofree full download ... The playable demo enables gamers to compete in two of Colin McRae: DiRT 2's exhilarating events. In the Trailblazer event, players take on the ultimate test of rally car against the challenging Moroccan terrain on a point...