Carhartt WIP 2014年秋冬型錄搶先看!!
American Parkour | We promote, teach, and advance the discipline of parkour to help people discover 擁有百年品牌歷史的美國工作服品牌 Carhartt,歐洲支線 Carhartt WIP,搶先推出最新2014年秋冬系列型錄,將拿手的工作服風格,以混搭以及改良的方式重新呈現,加入更多街頭感以及設計細節,讓大家更能了解今年秋冬的潮流走向。 擁有毛呢的領口以及內裡,不僅細節十足,搭配豹紋工作We are stoked to announce the addition of Laura Devinsky to our team! Laura will be managing the APK Store, doing everything from keeping our designs fresh to making sure our customers are well cared for, and keeping high interactivity between the store a...