新引擎純科技 PSA 1.2L PureTech Peugeot 308
Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns Definition | Investopedia榮獲引擎大賞冠軍 超低油耗屢破紀錄 接下來要為大家介紹的另一顆小排氣量引擎,是由法國PSA集團所開發的1.2L PureTech直列三缸渦輪汽油引擎,原廠代號為EB系列的PureTech渦輪增壓引擎,這具全新引擎擁有精巧的設計,並以最新科技達成性能與油耗的絕佳平衡,首先採用了轉速達24萬轉的渦輪增壓A law of economics stating that, as the number of new employees increases, the marginal product of an additional employee will at some point be less than the marginal product of the previous employee. ... DEFINITION of 'Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns...