Diablo 2 forums, guides, help | diablo2.com我跟老公關于裸奔的對話那天,在QQ上遇見老公。我先忍不住傻笑了一通之后,跟他說:老公,今天我看見帥哥裸奔了。老公:暈。你在哪里看見的?我:在學校的操場上。老公:%¥32#4估計心里在罵那個沒有社會公德的人。老公停了下,問:全裸?我點頭:恩,什么都沒穿,在我們面前跑。屁股圓滾滾的。老公:?&helliOne of our primary goals with class changes in patch 1.0.4 is to help improve build diversity. Of course, this has been a goal for the Diablo III development team since launch, but our approach this patch has been a little different. For 1.0.4, we’re taki...