
collective unconscious - Dictionary.com - Free Online English Dictionary小心啊...@_@ The ideas of both secret planes and flying saucers strike deep chords in the collective unconscious. There are things about human consciousness that can not be explained such as the collective unconscious. But it was the film's publicity, not the collecti...


The Archetypes and The Collective Unconscious (Collected Works of C.G. Jung Vol.9 Part 1): C. G. Jun在中國這樣的地方,敢當眾如此做真的令人佩服! "This book must be considered a fundamental work among Jung's writings and deserves to be read by Jungians and non-Jungians alike."-- American Journal of Psychotherapy Language Notes Text: English (translation) Original Language: German --This text refers...


Dirt (disambiguation) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia不久前iPhone 5的上市再度引起果粉的狂熱追捧,喬布斯一手推出的iPhone 無疑是技術革新的大牌。下面介紹的10種近期發明,雖然可能沒有一種能讓眾人矚目,但是它們依然給人啟發。 1、給蝙蝠生的機會:風力渦輪機的一大罪行就是它們每年要殺死上千隻鳥和蝙蝠。現在加利福尼亞一位89高齡的退休工程師RaDirt is unclean matter. Dirt may also refer to: Soil, that is found on the ground Dirt, a blanket term for unclean matter....
