Michael Saltsman: A Nonprofit Restaurant Falls to the Minimum Wage - WSJ 人們總是說愛情是盲目的, 今天我們要說的,就是這樣一個看似衝動卻又實在美好的故事。 故事的主人公,是這個叫Grigory Prutov的男人。 Grigory Prutov來自俄羅斯,五官精緻,顏值在線,看起來找個女票也不是什麼絕對不可能的事情。 不過,從情竇初開之時,GrigoryMichigan’s minimum wage rose in September to $8.15 an hour from $7.40 (the minimum wage for tipped employees rose 17%, to $3.10 an hour). The wage will rise to $9.25 by January 2018. The law was enacted by a Republican legislature, and signed by a ......