公務員事務局 - 綜 合 招 聘 考 試 - 英 文 運 用 試 題 類 型 及 參 考 題 目 (只 有 英 文 版) (翻攝自youtube) 根據英國《鏡報》的報導,一名女主播Susana Almeida在報導天氣預報的畫面爆紅。影片中,只見年輕貌美的蘇珊穿著休閒,隱約露出姣好身材,不過,有眼尖的網友發現,由於她的衣服太過於貼身,導致身體曲線突出,結果緊身褲子就不小心讓她走光了,看了非常傻眼。 A It is a mistake to believe that smoking is a sign of maturity. Those in authority must act today to protect our citizens of tomorrow. B It is a mistake to believe that smoking is a sign of maturity, those in authority must act today to protect our citiz...