School of Law - City University of Hong Kong 1999年有一首紅遍華語樂壇的歌《謝謝你的愛1999》,19歲的謝霆鋒迷倒萬千少女。歌詞的第一句“說再見,別說永遠,再見不會是永遠”。 1999年,王菲已經是天后的代名詞,她言辭犀利,我行我素,在感情生活中她剛剛結束與竇唯的婚姻,獨自扶養女兒竇靖童。 他叛逆,他才華橫溢,她The School of Law was established in 1987 as the Department of Law. The principal objective of the School is to support and improve the provision of legal education and training in Hong Kong. High on our agenda are three goals: becoming a world renowned c...