
2012 Mazda 3 Mileage - Fuelly - Track and Compare your MPG戀愛的結果 !!! 看來是絕對沒有好下場...Below you can see a distribution of the fuel-ups with 179 outliers (0.71%) removed. Following shows the average MPG of each of the 555 vehicles in the system. Matilda 2012 Mazda 3 GX 2.0L GAS L4 Automatic 5 Hatchback (4 Door) Added Dec 2012 • 81 Fuel-ups ...


2013 Mazda 3 Mileage - Fuelly - Track and Compare your MPG史努比實物.......A simple & effecive way to track fuel consumption Easy to understand the real cost of your vehicle Benefits It's free of course! Get an accurate view of your vehicles fuel economy Compare your vehicle to others with the same vehicle...


Mazda - 大家來分享一下 ALL NEW MAZDA 5 油耗 - 汽車討論區 - Mobile01保證藥到命除!!!10月12開一趟谷關(車齡約1.5年,已開4.2萬) 從田中(加滿油)走斗中路,轉外三,直走,接縱貫路,接74號,下接台中復興路(導航,有多繞約3-4KM),上國1,接國4經石岡轉國8直上,谷關溫泉區,全程來回,加滿油(17.75公升,里程227KM- 油耗約12.8公里/公升)...


Mazda 3 - Reliable? (vehicle, tires, seats, mileage) - Car forums - City-Data Forum天啦,夭壽口愛啦 !!!  I have a 2007 Mazda 3i (2.0L) with about 60k miles on it. I put about 30k on it since buying back in Fall 2008. Anybody else drive a Mazda 3 here? How...


Mazda CX-5 2.2D 的雜七雜八心得、油耗 @ sya(賽亞)的旅遊部落格 :: 隨意窩 Xuite日誌女人永遠覺得自己胖一公斤 而男人永遠覺得自己最帥 囧""【Mazda CX-5 2.2D 重要規格】 引擎制動 引擎2000轉時,釋放最大扭力42.8kgm;引擎4500轉時,釋放最大馬力175匹。 較低的壓縮比(14:1),大幅降低引擎的噪音。 兩段式雙渦輪增壓器 AWD全時四輪驅動 i-STOP智慧怠速引擎啟閉系統...


new mazda 3 評價 - U-CAR 討論區老闆英明.. 最進因為要買車看了很多人對於mazda 3 的評價, 但都不是很好,因為我喜歡mazda 3 的車系,好不容易可以買了卻看一些人的炮轟, 讓我真的很想知道 new mazda 3真的有那麼沒價值嗎? 請各位大大為我解答...
