Fiona Fung馮曦妤 - Forever Friend - YouTube 如果自己的孩子在學校頻繁被其他同學欺負該怎麼辦? 有個澳洲的父親決定用自己的辦法來回擊… 然而, 他的回擊方式,卻讓他也成了一些人口中的霸凌者… 這位父親叫Mark Bladen,53歲,來自澳洲布里斯班, 有一個15歲的繼女Kalani。 I know her since I've listened her song: Proud of you. I found that her voice is sounds of nature. Enjoy it! Here are the lyrics: I believe I can love You give me your loving care I believe in what we are I don't know where I......