This Love (Maroon 5 song) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (圖文皆轉自今日頭條,下同) 牛郎之間的競爭相當的激烈 牛郎一條街 站街的牛郎 在日本有一種職業叫做牛郎,牛郎主要向女性提供各種各樣的性服務,因為牛郎在日本是被允許的,所以在日本的很多地方都有牛郎一條街。 夜店的牛郎都經過嚴格訓練,從點煙、倒酒、折毛巾到聊天內容的禮儀都相當苛刻、講究技巧。牛郎一般"This Love" is a song by the American rock band Maroon 5. The song was written by frontman Adam Levine and keyboardist Jesse Carmichael for their debut album, Songs About Jane (2002). The track is built around a piano-led strut, which is immediately follo...