麵包車的美好未來 Suzuki Air Triser Concept
Black Dahlia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 【蔡書銘/報導】東京車展即將開幕,從車廠媒體中心獲得的資訊,今年Suzuki真的拚了,在日本主打輕型車的Suzuki,這次將會展出Air Triser Concept概念麵包車,前衛造型且可乘載六個人的Air Triser Concept,在展期絕對是個吸睛的角色。 主力放在K Car輕型車的Su"The Black Dahlia" was a nickname given to Elizabeth Short[2][3][4] (July 29, 1924 – c. January 15, 1947), an American woman who was the victim of a much-publicized murder. Short acquired the moniker posthumously by newspapers in the habit of nicknaming c...