007: The World Is Not Enough - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games 圖youtube 朋友間最喜歡上演惡作劇戲碼,不僅能拉近彼此距離,還能考驗友情與親情(?)美國有位弟弟和哥哥朋友Kmail聯手策畫一場驚悚惡作劇,安排Kmail去詢問哥哥是否能借住他家一晚,因為他出差到當地城市;Kmail順利拿到鑰匙後,立即和弟弟回家安排一切。當哥哥下班回家準備開門時,他們已經就Handguns Walther P99 The Walther P99 appears in the game as the "Wolfram P2K", and can be fitted with a silencer. It is Bond's standard-issue weapon, and is available in all single-player missions. Enemies also carry the P99 as a back up weapon if they ar...