Die Another Day - James Bond 007 Wiki by 栞 相信大家都知道日本的母親幾乎有為孩子親手準備便當的習慣,然而本次要介紹的巧手媽媽可是讓女兒又愛又恨。雖然每次飯盒一開,見到的都是母親精心設計的畫面,但如果內容是「明天有考試唷!」或是「昨晚怎麼沒做家事!」之類的話語,再加上身旁同學的訕笑眼光,這叫女兒如何吃得開心? 在名為「ttTrivia Die Another Day is the first James Bond film in which Bond was captured and tortured by a foreign power. This was also the first 007 film to take place in three Communist states - North Korea, People's Republic of China (a portion of the plot is se...