1/4 inch vs. 3.5 mm Jack Difference? - Head-Fi.org - Headphone forums and reviews for audiophiles 相信大家都有網購的經驗,網路購物已經成為現在的主流銷售模式之一,但由於不能試穿往往都只能透過美美的照片來選購這些商品,但廣告與商品內容不符也是相當常見的問題之一,就有大陸網友購買了一件相當飄逸的「雪紡燈籠褲」,想要與女模一樣穿出時尚感以及性感,但收到商品後這件褲子只能站著穿,因為坐下後整個不能看,I guess originally the 1/4" (6.35mm) jack was the standard jack, then Sony came out with the 1/8" (3.5mm, mini-jack) for the first "Walkman". As the 1/4" was not practical for portable audio. I believe studios and "professional audio stuff" sticks to 1/4"...