【校園人氣嚴選】糖果屋裡的混血女孩:復臨美國學校 蘇小軒
York E-Z Curl Bar - 5.1 kg: Amazon.co.uk: Sports & Outdoors 糖果屋裡的混血女孩:復臨美國學校 蘇小軒 蘇小軒,台美混血兒,棕色長髮、深邃眼眸與立體的五官,在陌生環境中,她的嚴肅容貌令人望而生畏、不易親近,但即使外表堅硬帶刺,其實內心溫柔甜蜜、豐盈飽滿,因為這一切的武裝,為的都只是保護自己。 【圖/編輯部 特約彩妝師/DThe York Spinlock E-Z curl bar features a standard diameter of 25mm (1") and can be held in a very comfortable position, as it is strategically bent. The curl bar also comes with spin lock collars which ensure quick and comfortable plate changes. Its maxi...