1 billion

Major Religions Ranked by Size - World Religions Religion Statistics Geography Church StatisticKISS雞尾酒~好想試試看啊!!! Islam: Contemporary figures for Islam are usually between 1 billion and 1.8 billion, with 1 billion being a figure frequently given in many comparative religion texts, probably because it's such a nice, round number. That figure appears to be dated, howev...


Hunger Statistics | WFP | United Nations World Food Programme - Fighting Hunger Worldwide 圖片來自:prcm.jp 對不起,因為我在看相棒,所以首圖就......(/▽\*) 不過幸好這圖完全符合主題!大家平常在和另一半同床的時候,都是怎麼睡的呢?各睡各的還是偶爾浪漫地抱著一起入睡呢?之前看過了《4種最受歡迎的情侶睡姿》,但大家知道~無論哪種睡姿,其實都能夠看出兩個人的深層心理喔!當然Every year, authors, journalists, teachers, researchers, schoolchildren and students ask us for statistics about hunger and malnutrition. To help answer these questions, we've compiled a list of useful facts and figures on world hunger. Some 805 million p...
