1 million

Million - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 老師在講,妳都沒有在聽!One million (1,000,000) or one thousand thousand, is the natural number following 999,999 and preceding 1,000,001. The word is derived from the early Italian millione (milione in modern Italian), from mille, "thousand", plus the augmentative suffix -one.[...


Number Notation - Math.com - World of Math Online 台大醫生:「ㄟ...連先生..請將手放下,我們再重照一張X光片....」 Number Prefix Symbol 10 1 deka-da 10 2 hecto-h 10 3 kilo-k 10 6 mega-M 10 9 giga-G 10 12 tera-T 10 15 peta-P 10 18 exa-E 10 21 zeta-Z 10 24 yotta-Y Number Prefix Symbol 10 -1 deci-d 10 -2 centi-c 10 -3 milli-m 10 -6 micro-u (greek mu) 10 -9 nano-n 10 -12 ...


How To Make Your First $1 Million - Slideshow | Investopedia 腦殘阿~~~~!!!!!!!!!! When your grandparents lamented that a dollar just isn't a dollar anymore, they weren't just bellyaching. Inflation attacks the value of a dollar, reducing it as time goes by so you need more dollars as time goes on. That is one of the reasons that $1 mil...


1 million dollars - YouTube 他們餓很久了= = 50+ videos Play all Play now Mix - 1 million dollars by YouTube Austin Powers - 100 billion dollars - Duration: 0:41. by Lida Liberopoulou 1,866,684 views 0:41 Play next Play now Bush does Dr. Evil - Duration: 0:18. by thruthem 1,099,719 views...


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