Psi to MPa Pressure Conversion - Metric Conversion Charts and Converters有一對情侶出去約會,晚上那個男的送女孩子回家時, 因為氣氛很好且難分難捨,便在女方家門口吻起來了, 過了一下子,樓上的燈全亮了, 「咚咚咚...」女孩的老爸下來打開了門,臉色非常不好的說: 「小子,你沒經過我的同意和我女兒出去,還這麼晚帶她回來, 還在門口做出這種舉動,這些我都不和你計較, 但是..Pound per square inch to megapascal (psi to MPa) conversion table shows the most common values for the quick reference. Alternatively, you may use the converter below to convert any other values. 1 Psi = 0.00689475729 Megapascal Psi is defined as 1 pound ...