Amazon.com: BenQ BL3200PT 32-inch WQHD 10-bit USBx4 HDMI Monitor built for Creative Class: Computers 常在外用餐的外食族難免吃到地雷餐點,有時甚至讓人覺得噁心反胃,但看完這篇後,大部分的人都會覺得自己的經驗還好而已。梁小姐在一家餐廳點了魷魚圈,但突然發現有個橡膠製的異物,沒想到是保險套!「我第一個反應是,這是使用過的嗎?」梁小姐表示。更讓人震撼的事還在後頭!餐廳老闆居然自己吞下這個保險套,用以停止Extend your design space to view the smallest details with the 32" BL3200PT monitor. 32" of Brilliant Detail and Incredibly Accurate Color Accurate color gamut that brings your imagination to life, a large 32" screen that extends your design space, high r...