10 bit

如何正確解出Hi10P的影片(MPEG4-AVC 10-bit)-HD.Club 精研視務所 High Definition Vision Club - Powered by Discuz! 不要啊!!!Misconceptions about Hi10P and 10-bit output: Having a 10-bit (aka 30-bit / DeepColor) display is NOT needed to see the benefits of Hi10P – 10-bit content, even when dithered down to 8 bit, is still significantly higher quality than 8 bit content, and the...


【心得】10-bit 顯示輸出 / 校色心得 | 大閒者Meyer的Lightroom 我可不想一直跟妳們在一起!... 見識到廣色域螢幕的威力後,又跑去買了Dell UltraSharp U2711,然後就念念不忘想說再買張有10-bit輸出的顯示卡,看看可以效果可以好到什麼程度。終於在聖誕夜的前夕買了張AMD FirePro V4800 ......


8 BIT與10BIT面板的差別??請大大幫幫忙~ (第1頁) - 高畫質視界 - Mobile01   我一定是去20cm 那一格! ^ ^8 BIT與10BIT面板的差別?? 請大大幫幫忙~ 這兩種面板有哪些特別的差異嗎?? 是殘影... ... 光之白翼 wrote: 8bit面板~256階調~可顯色彩1677萬色 10bit面板~1024階調~可顯色彩10億色...(恕刪) 以上幾位高手所寫的都沒錯...


10 bit 高漸層顯色技術 | CHIMEI奇美:家電產品、顯示器、燈具與液晶電視推薦品牌 很中肯!10 bit 高漸層顯色技術 每一個顏色從純色不斷變暗的過程變化級別稱為色階。色階越多,能表現的色彩數越多,意即能使每一個顏色呈現更趨近真實色彩。10 bit高漸層顯色讓畫面層次更豐富,讓您體驗更真實的感動。...


I2C 10 Bit addressing @ H's 手札 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 別再受騙囉!來源: 1. I2C Bus: 10 Bit Addressing 2. Total Phase - 7-bit, 8-bit, and 10-bit I2C Slave Addressing ... (1) No device is allowed to acknowledge at the reception of the START byte. (2) The CBUS address has been reserved to enable the inter-mixing of CBUS ......
