10 million

2015-06-02 - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services話說.... 這幾年外網上的報導又多了一種模式, 美女或者帥哥+寵物,吸睛又養眼。   畢竟很多人會對養寵物異性特別有好感,覺得這是一種有愛心的表現~ 以至於很多人覺得,養寵物有提升鏟屎官桃花的神奇功效... 貌似當個鏟屎官真的是個加分項~  那...養個寵物真的能讓自己魅力大增March 31, 2015 Effectuated Enrollment Snapshot Date 2015-06-02 Title March 31, 2015 Effectuated Enrollment Snapshot Contact go.cms.gov/media March 31, 2015 Effectuated Enrollment Snapshot About 11.7 million Americans selected plans through the Health ......


Clue (1985) - IMDb福特六和汽車近日宣布Ford Focus 黑潮焦點版限量上市,外觀以大膽黑白雙色搭配,重新詮釋動感車身,並採用全新個性化17吋勁黑型格鋁圈,搭配風馳擾流尾翼,更顯凌厲氣勢;內裝採質感炫紅飾線座椅,內外兼修潮炫升級。自2015年推出改款車型以來,Ford Focus 全面改寫中型房車駕馭與科技格局,更With Eileen Brennan, Tim Curry, Madeline Kahn, Christopher Lloyd. Six guests are invited to a strange house and must cooperate with the staff to solve a murder mystery....


Netflix Prize - Official Site   全新BMW 大5系列在今年2月導入,首波車型為520d、530i、530d、540i等等四種動力車型,且預估將引進全新BMW 520i豪華房車,並將推出Luxury Line、M款跑車化套件兩種車款。這款全新BMW520i Luxury的標配將採Luxury Line 風格套件,將包Congratulations! The Netflix Prize sought to substantially improve the accuracy of predictions about how much someone is going to enjoy a movie based on their movie preferences. On September 21, 2009 we awarded the $1M Grand Prize to team “BellKor’s ......


Plane Crash Information - Image ▲這位小姐接下來會做出嚇壞身邊所有人的事情。(source:ktzhk,下同)   大家好,我是小白兔~ 世界上是否真的有「靈異現象」的出現,還是只是人為的操作呢?這一直都是一個謎團,然而不論背後的原因是什麼,有些現實中拍出來的團體照片,看著看著就是會讓人覺得毛骨悚然,因為有些現象真的無Aviation accident database with brief analysis and links to official determinations. Voice recordings, aircraft specifications, statistics, sorts by carrier or aircraft type, links and reference....


Ticket to paradise: Powerball jackpot could hit $1.3B 昨天晚上,周杰倫在西安舉辦演唱會,期間發生了這樣的一幕:     周杰倫:“把他的燈牌還給他。這位公安,hello,你不要亂丟我歌迷的燈牌,有沒有聽到?”   現場粉絲一陣歡呼;   周杰倫:“你要控制秩序你把他燈牌丟掉幹In October, Powerball officials tweaked the game's "matrix," making it harder to win the grand prize, The Sun reported. The chances of winning the biggest prize shrank from 1 in 175 million to 1 in 292 million. But the odds of winning any prize grew from ...


Hacking of Government Computers Exposed 21.5 Million People - The New York Times 簡單介紹下「低調讀書」,開設這個欄目的主要目的是為了節約大家的閱讀成本,也希望它可以成為一個引子,讓你尋獲一些深入、體系化的閱讀線索。在這個充滿不確定性的時代,閱讀無疑是一種很好的認知方式。 有人說:「讀書可以經歷一千種人生,不讀書的人只能活一次。」分 享是經緯的一貫特色,希望喜歡這個公號的你們同WASHINGTON — The Obama administration on Thursday revealed that 21.5 million people were swept up in a colossal breach of government computer systems that was far more damaging than initially thought, resulting in the theft of a vast trove of personal inf...
