[2020台北車展十大必看] 英國陸軍一號Bentley Flying Spur
Samsung Refurbished Galaxy Note 10.1 Tablet with 16GB Memory GT-N8013-EA16ARB - Best Buy●創廠百年、車系60年代表作 ●Flying B立標首現 ●5316×1978×1484mm超霸氣車格 ●6.0 W12雙渦輪引擎 今年(2019)恰逢英國豪華品牌Bentley創廠百年,而正巧也是本次主角Flying Spur問世的60周年,因此Bentley選擇在2019年推出全新第三代的FStay productive on the go with this Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 tablet that features a WXGA TFT display with S Pen technology for easy sketching, annotation and note-taking. The 16GB storage capacity lets you store music, movies and more. This product has .....