100 Million Dieters, $20 Billion: Weight-Loss Industry by the Numbers - ABC News【台北訊】前中研院長、也是台灣首位獲得諾貝爾獎的李遠哲受公視「誰來晚餐」邀請,拜訪親自把醫療送上門、深入社區探訪老弱貧病的耳鼻喉科醫生洪德仁。李遠哲難得談起與太太吳錦麗的愛情故事,透露年輕時忙於科學研究,理家育兒的責任都由太太一肩扛起,李遠哲感性的說,「如果沒有偉大的女人,這前面是不會有成功的男人!When you're trying to lose weight, the number that sees to matter most is the one you see on the scale. But there are plenty of other compelling numbers coming out of the growing weight-loss industry. Learn 10 surprising statistics about weight loss in th...