100 million 1 billion

100 Million Dieters, $20 Billion: Weight-Loss Industry by the Numbers - ABC News 這台公車... 嗑藥了嗎?When you're trying to lose weight, the number that sees to matter most is the one you see on the scale. But there are plenty of other compelling numbers coming out of the growing weight-loss industry. Learn 10 surprising statistics about weight loss in th...


World population - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia    你沒有看錯 你只有一秒可以過馬路!!!!The world population in 35,000 BCE is estimated to have been around 3 million people, all of whom subsisted as hunter-gatherers The population had increased to around 15 million at the time agriculture emerged in around 10,000 BCE. By contrast, it is esti...


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Brain Facts and Figures - UW Faculty Web Server 驚!!!% brain of total body weight (150 pound human) = 2% Average brain width = 140 mm Average brain length = 167 mm Average brain height = 93 mm Intracranial contents by volume (1,700 ml, 100%): brain = 1,400 ml (80%); blood = 150 ml (10%); cerebrospinal ......
