1080p - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 非凡君說: 偶爾扒一下, 觸目驚心。 剽悍的總統夫人 想必大家這兩天一定會注意到 這樣一條登上媒體頭條的新聞: 「因兒子花天酒地, 津巴布韋第一夫人暴打嫩模。」 兩兒子 發現兒子在南非同嫩模「廝混」 津1080p (also known as Full HD or FHD and BT.709) is a set of HDTV high-definition video modes characterized by 1080 horizontal lines of vertical resolution[1] and progressive scan, as opposed to interlaced, as is the case with the 1080i display standard. T...