1080p - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 有對夫妻結婚多年,丈夫總是忘記一些特別的日子, 結婚三十五週年那天,他們在享用早餐時 ,妻子向她先生暗示:「老伴,你知不知道,我們坐在這兩張椅子上已經整整三十五年了?」 丈夫放下報紙,望著老婆說:「妳是不是想跟我換位子?」 1080p (also known as Full HD or FHD and BT.709) is a set of HDTV high-definition video modes characterized by 1080 horizontal lines of vertical resolution[1] and progressive scan, as opposed to interlaced, as is the case with the 1080i display standard. T...