FB被正妹加好友 以為是詐騙集團但卻沒想到竟然是....(網友出賣...
1080p - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia有時候FB會有不認識的人去追蹤別人,或者被不認識的加好友~ (各位一定會說可以關閉這功能,但林杯這條大蛇太蠢最近幾天才知道) 網友阿賜的搞笑經歷:有天有個正妹突然加我好友 ▲圖片來源於網路,與本文無關 心想「終於有人欣賞那顆被醜陋外表覆蓋的心了~」(灑花) 1080p (aka Full HD/ FHD and BT.709) is a set of HDTV high-definition video modes characterized by 1080 horizontal lines of vertical resolution[1] and progressive scan, as opposed to interlaced, as is the case with the 1080i display standard. The term usua...