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LM1117-N | Single Channel LDO | Linear Regulator (LDO) | Description & parametrics TOMS是由來自美國的企業家Blake Mycoskie創立。 TOMS以One for One的計畫,『 TOMS 承諾,每售出一雙鞋,將再贈送一雙鞋子給這世界需要的孩子們。』展現最真實的企業社會責任(Corporate Social Responsibility)。TOMS在超過60國家跟其公Download a datasheet or document on TIs LM1117-N Linear Regulator (LDO), from the Single Channel LDO collection of analog and digital product folders.# Added ... The LM1117-N is a series of low dropout voltage regulators with a dropout of 1.2V at 800mA of...