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iPod - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThe iPod is a line of portable media players designed and marketed by Apple Inc. The first line was released on October 23, 2001, about 8½ months after iTunes (Macintosh version) was released. iTunes is a media player, media library, and mobile device man...


DIGITIMES11月30號在東京・千駄ケ谷展開了「ㄋㄟㄋㄟ和平。因為胸部大家好相處」展示會。 (おっぱいで平和を。おっぱいでみんな仲良く「おっぱいパーティー」)   日本國內的藝術家多數的作品之外,也是全國唯一可以享受與胸部有關的「MARKET」「FOOD」「TALK」「DJ&LIVE PAINT」的活晶圓代工龍頭廠台積電董事長張忠謀表示,三星電子(Samsung Electronics)和英特爾(Intel)的威脅程度絕對可視勁敵,我們每天都在緊盯、注意並檢討自己的競爭姿態,我對台... 英特爾(Intel)傳出可望重回蘋果(Apple)手機晶片供應商名單...


iPhone, iPad, Mac Buyer's Guide: Know When to Buy意外往往發生在生活週遭,不過常常莫名其妙的就降臨了,讓人根本不知道怎麼發生的...下面26張照片就記錄了意外發生的前一秒,看完之後真是讓人擔心這會不會是某些人的最後一張照片阿@@後面的太太你也聊的太開心了吧@@看我的臉部接球絕技!這有什麼了不起,我也會阿(是這樣嗎)臉部接球誰不會!我用雪球來示範一下The iPod nano saw its last significant update in September 2012, with a minor September 2013 seeing only the replacement of the previous "slate" color option with "space gray". There have been no credible rumors about the future of the iPod nano, and it r...
