12.9 吋 ipad 解像度

iPod - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 好傳神啊~The iPod is a line of portable media players designed and marketed by Apple Inc. The first line was released on October 23, 2001, about 8½ months after iTunes (Macintosh version) was released. iTunes is a media player, media library, and mobile device man...


iPad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 小心未知的去死團襲擊XDThe iPad's (first two generations) touchscreen display is a 1,024 by 768 pixel, 7.75×5.82 in (197×148 mm) liquid-crystal display (diagonal 9.7 in (246.4 mm)), with fingerprint-and scratch-resistant glass. Steve Jobs said a 7-inch screen would be "too smal...


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